We are always there for you

Do you have any queries regarding our solutions or technologies? Or do you require a quote? Then please do not hesitate to contact us.


Apparate- und Maschinenbau GmbH
Mettmanner Straße 14
42115 Wuppertal, Germany

T  + 49 202 / 26219 – 46
F  + 49 202 / 26219 – 48

AG Wuppertal, HRB 8985
VAT ID No. De 812 106 707


Karl-Heinz Zorr, Managing Director


16 Meter GmbH
Full-service creative agency



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At https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/, the European Commission provides a platform for the resolution of online disputes. It enables consumers to resolve problems in connection with online services and purchases, and provides general information about consumer rights.


We are not obliged or willing to engage in cases bought before a General Consumer Conciliation Body.


Apparate- und
Maschinenbau GmbH

Mettmanner Straße 14
42115 Wuppertal, Germany

+49 202 / 26219 – 46
+49 202 / 26219 – 48

Tradition becomes the future
Plant and machine production since 1996.

We are certified by TÜV and registered for Specialist Operations according to Article 19 (l) German Federal Water Act.